Monday, April 2, 2012

FFA History

The Future Farmers of America was started in 1928, but in 1988 the name was officially changed to National FFA Organization to show that the organization is not just for farmers. The FFA is an organization for all that are interested in agriculture based environments. The main part of the FFA Official dress is the blue corduroy jacket with small emblem on the front along with a larger emblem on the back with your state and local chapters name over top and underneath.The Official FFA colors are corn gold and national blue.Some famous former FFA members are former president Jimmy Carter, country music singer Taylor Swift, and NASCAR racer Sterling Marlin.

Site Now Up for Delmar FFA

With the growing size of Delmar's FFA family, I have decided to start a new page. This page will be updated in the coming week with dates of events we are going to be doing in the next several months. Also this site will be updated with news about the FFA nationwide and sometimes will have posts about the National FFA in general which is the largest student based club in America with over 550,000 members in all 50 states along with Puerto Rico and Guam.